Laundry. Perhaps the most dreaded household chore. So. Much. Work. And it’s been revolutionized! Even though we don’t have to drag loads of clothing, towels and bedding to the river to slap against a rock or worse – to the laundromat, it’s a pita. Amiright?

When I’ve asked busy moms, what their least favorite chore is – hands down, it’s laundry. Usually stated with dramatic exasperation or a sigh. I hear ya, gals. It’s a beast that rears its ugly head every 2-3 days. And heaven help you, if you get off schedule.

I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be a Herculean task. It just needs a little management. With a few tips and a routine, you can get your arms around the laundry quandary and tackle it once and for all.

Read Labels

Before committing to that new blouse or wool skirt, read the care label. Is this something you want to contend with 1-2 times a month? Either way, be familiar with your clothing and care instructions. Be clear about what can be machine washed, machine dried, preferred temperatures, and ironing requirements.

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Be Choosy

Don’t throw everything in the wash pile. Some things can get several wearings before needing laundered. Especially if it’s not worn next to your skin or your activity was minimal. Pajamas, sweaters and jeans fall in this category and do not necessarily need to be washed every wearing.


Make sure you have drop points for laundry and laundry only. This includes towels and sheets. If you do the laundry for others in the household, make it a rule. If it’s not in this hamper/basket by laundry day, then it doesn’t get washed.


Prepare the laundry meaning turn socks right side out. Zip zippers. Treat stains. Clasp bras. Put delicates in a mesh bag. Unroll cuffs. Empty pockets. This can be a step done by others in the household as well. Tweens, teenagers and adults can manage their own prep. There’s no need for you to do it all.


Sort the laundry to avoid colors bleeding and using the correct water temperature. Divide laundry by whites (hot water & bleach), lights (warm water), darks (cold water) and towels/bedding (sanitize/hot water).


Do not use excessive soap. It creates too many suds, trapping dirt in the clothing. Use less than you think or use pre-measured detergent pods.

If you have a top loading washer, begin filling the tub with water and add soap. Then when filled, add laundry.

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Choose a cycle for washing. Regular is for sturdy or dirty clothing. Permanent Press is for average clothing. Delicate is for well, delicates ie. anything with loose stitching or lace.


Probably the biggest key to laundry is — keep it moving once started. We all tend to wander off, feeling victorious because the laundry has been started. Oh no. The goal is to finish the laundry. So set the timer on the washer, your phone, your oven, whatever it takes but return to the washer as soon as the washer completes its last cycle.

Dryer Time

When the timer goes off, promptly head to the laundry area and transfer contents from the washer to the dryer, excluding line dry items. Check results of treated stains. If stain not removed, do not put in dryer. Re-treat or soak in Oxy-clean and cool water for at least 30 minutes.

Choose dryer temperature and time setting and begin drying. Use high heat for heavy clothing and towels. Use low heat for anything that may shrink. Use medium heat for everything else. Set timer for dryer.

Hang items to be line dried. Use wool dryer balls in lieu of fabric softener in dryer.

Prepare next washer load. Keep up that momentum!

Finish Strong

When dryer timer goes off, return to dryer to remove laundry. It’s super important to get the laundry out of the dryer asap once dried because 1) it completes the load, 2) it continues the momentum for the next washed load coming, 3) laundry is so much easier to manage when it’s still warm and unwrinkled. Smooth out jeans, towels, sheets, and t-shirts when the material is warm and pliable.

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Fold laundry while pulling from the dryer. Have a flat surface available. An ironing board, the top of the washer and/or dryer. Even an empty laundry basket close by will help. But fold as much as you can to optimize your time. Don’t move the laundry from room to room, never getting it folded and put away.

Watch how to simply and neatly fold bed sheets!

Keep hangers in the laundry room and hang items, rather than fold them, move them and then hang them in another room. Hang anything that needs to be ironed and set aside. Make time to iron weekly in one fell swoop. Again, it’s a mindless task, so do couple it with another mindless task like chatting on the phone, watching TV, listening to an audio book or podcast.

The Straggler

So it’s easier if you fold laundry as soon as the dryer timer goes off, but what if you didn’t? Then find the time to finish. It’s a simple task and can be coupled with many other simple tasks you do all day – such as talking on the phone or watching a tv program.

It’s super important to actually finish the laundry. When it’s washed, dried, folded and put away, it’s a completed task and no longer feels overwhelming and out of control. It no longer nags you from the corner of the room or the frequent question Mom, where are my soccer shorts?

Last Leg

So it’s washed, dried and folded. Now what? Now the oh so pleasant task of delivery. And by that I mean, deposit the pile or basket of laundry to the wearer and let them put it away. It’s no longer your responsibility. Unless you have children under 3, anyone can put away their own laundry. They are responsible for dressing themselves and depositing laundry in the hamper, then they are very likely capable of returning the clean laundry to its home.


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